QR CodeMobile TROLS is available for Mobile Devices and Smart Phones.
This is the On-Line Competition and Match Information System for Diamond Valley Tennis Association.
  1. View Competition Ladders
  2. View Competition Match Results
  3. View Customised Team Fixture Draws
  4. Access the Club Zone, where you can, enter match results, view player scores/statistics, and update club information.
    You need to be issued with a userid and password by your Tennis Club representative
    This option opens another browser window.

PRESIDENT: Geoff Rolfe   0404 827 847

ADMINISTRATOR: Rob Burley Email: dvtatennis@gmail.com


You can now download rules and calendar of events from the links below

DVTA 2016 Rules     DVTA 2024 Calendar     DVTA Blank Scoresheets     Junior Singles Blank Scoresheets
